Bringing together Melbourne’s best health professionals all under one roof! A team-based approach to improving health and vitality Living with a chronic condition just got much easier. Keen to improve your health? Research shows that’s best achieved by a team approach where professionals from different disciplines work together to improve many aspects of your health and well-being. Integrative health care at it’s best
Newcastle Chiropractor – BodyFix
Chiropractic, massage and acupuncture for everyone. Whether you’re a Stay-At-Home Mom, busy professionals or athletes on the run, We are here to provide the best chiropractor service tailored to you. We are most interested in multidisciplinary approach where massage, chiropractic, physiotherapy and exercise rehabilitation are combined together to treat the root causes of the patient’s condition and alleviate it once and for all. Years of experience in chiropractic, massage and acupuncture best serve the Newcastle and the surrounding area.
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Willoughby Health
We offer a wide range of Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, and Exercise Physiology services to the Willoughby, Chatswood, Artarmon, Roseville, Castlecrag, Castle Cove, Middle Cove, Lane Cove, Naremburn, Cammeray, St Leonards, and Crows Nest communities. Our Physiotherapists in Willoughby can assess, diagnose, treat, and prevent a wide range of health conditions and movement disorders, by helping to repair damage, reduce stiffness and pain, increase mobility and improve your quality of life.
Choking First Aid Australia – Defibrillators Australia
If you’re looking for a Choking First Aid Australia provider that offers quality defibrillator accessories, look no further than Defibrillators Australia. We offer an extensive range of products that are perfect for any workplace or home emergency situation. Plus, our friendly and experienced staff are always happy to help with any questions you may have. This post will provide an overview of choking first aid including what to do if an obstruction cannot be cleared using back blows.
Hawthorne Chiropractic
Hawthorne Chiropractic is a family friendly clinic with a focus on reducing and relieving pain for our clients through chiropractic adjustments. The role of your Chiropractor is to find the underlying cause of your symptoms and remove it naturally. The primary focus of chiropractic is to ensure your nerves are working at their best in order to allow optimal communication between your brain and your body, therefore, relieving pain and improving posture. At Hawthorne Chiropractic we welcome new patients and look forward to helping relieve your pain.
Hawthorne Chiropractic
Hawthorne Chiropractic is a family friendly clinic with a focus on reducing and relieving pain for our clients through chiropractic adjustments. The role of your Chiropractor is to find the underlying cause of your symptoms and remove it naturally. The primary focus of chiropractic is to ensure your nerves are working at their best in order to allow optimal communication between your brain and your body, therefore, relieving pain and improving posture. At Hawthorne Chiropractic we welcome new patients and look forward to helping relieve your pain.
Monash 药业/ 协和中医馆 Victor Wu Chinese Medicine Clinic
Monash Herbal Pharmaceuticals – Mount Waverley VIC 协和中医馆在澳已经有30年的历史。馆主吴锦锋博士又于2012年创立 Monash Herbal Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd (澳洲莫纳殊药业),为澳大利亚政府注册的集草药研发、制造和销售于一体的药业公司,位于维多利亚州的Mount Waverley 区。 尽管公司建立时间不长,但其历史渊源于180多年的吴氏家族传承。连续6代精良并不断完善的传承,包含着丰富的中医文化和医疗实践。 公司创始人和董事总经理吴锦锋博士是澳大利亚中医注册局注册中医师、针灸师。吴医生是中国文革后78级大学医科生,广州中医药大学博士研究生毕业,1987年底赴澳大利亚留学及行医至今。吴博士从事中医/针灸研究和临床治病有36年,在为患者提供优质的传统中医药/针灸治疗的同时,与其团队一起精心研制既有效又安全的中草药制剂,并成功获得澳大利亚药物专利和注册制造。吴博士一生致力于改善中国和澳大利亚人民的健康和福祉,为此获得了许多著名的奖项和表彰。 吴锦锋博士目前担任的专业团体职务有: 1. 世界中医药学会联合会高血压专业委员会副会长; 2. 世界中医药学会联合会疼痛康复专业委员会创会常务理事; 3. 澳大利亚中医针灸学会名誉会长、全国总会秘书长; 4. 香港中医师公会永远名誉会长。 Monash Herbal Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd was established in 2012, located in Mount Waverley within the Monash council of Victoria. Despite the company’s youthful establishment, its history stems from over 180 years of experience that has been continuously refined and passed down for 6 generations within the Wu family with a rich culture and practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The founder and current managing director is Dr. Victor Wu (PhD). Dr. Wu is a registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Acupuncturist with Chinese Medicine Board of Australia. He has been practicing Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture for over 36 years with a long successful history in providing his patients traditional sachets of high quality medicinal Chinese herbs and essences that have been long formulated and refined till this day. Since establishing Monash Herbal Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd, it has become a life-long goal to combine the team’s expertise in herbal formulation and product development to share the refined practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine to modern society. Dr. Wu’s lifelong dedication to the practice has awarded him numerous prestigious awards and acknowledgements for his commitment to improving the health and well-being Read more [...]
Chinese Herbal Solutions
Chinese Herbal Solutions (02) 9446 7220 is one of the Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine located in Hornsby New South Wales. If you are looking for Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine near Hornsby, you have come to the right place. Contact us now to make an appointment or email us for any inquiries, or visit us directly. Click on MAP tab to get travel direction from your current location or any specified location to our place. To discover more Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine near Hornsby New South Wales, you may easily find them here, – a global business information resources platform for businesses and individuals, FREE to post listing and classified ad. For local and international travelers, a dedicated classified directory platform is a great asset to be saved in your mobile phone, – a global entertainment, hospitality, travel and tourism platform to find activities and fun things to do, place to travel, dining and nightlife, shopping places, tourist attractions, accommodations, and emergency services just in case. Want to find a job, OR to post a job ad to find talents for your business? Come and visit, a global jobs portal for job seekers, employers and recruiters. Job seekers Read more [...]
Zion Family Wellness – Kinesiology, Homeopathy and Chinese Medicine
Zion Family Wellness – Kinesiology, Homeopathy and Chinese Medicine 0424 297 315 is one of the Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine located in Fletcher New South Wales. If you are looking for Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine near Fletcher, you have come to the right place. Contact us now to make an appointment or email us for any inquiries, or visit us directly. Click on MAP tab to get travel direction from your current location or any specified location to our place. To discover more Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine near Fletcher New South Wales, you may easily find them here, – a global business information resources platform for businesses and individuals, FREE to post listing and classified ad. For local and international travelers, a dedicated classified directory platform is a great asset to be saved in your mobile phone, – a global entertainment, hospitality, travel and tourism platform to find activities and fun things to do, place to travel, dining and nightlife, shopping places, tourist attractions, accommodations, and emergency services just in case. Want to find a job, OR to post a job ad to find talents for your business? Come and visit, a global jobs portal for job Read more [...]
Jian Hua Zong (Maria)
Jian Hua Zong (Maria) (03) 6223 3833 is one of the Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine located in Sandy Bay Tasmania. If you are looking for Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine near Sandy Bay, you have come to the right place. Contact us now to make an appointment or email us for any inquiries, or visit us directly. Click on MAP tab to get travel direction from your current location or any specified location to our place. To discover more Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine near Sandy Bay Tasmania, you may easily find them here, – a global business information resources platform for businesses and individuals, FREE to post listing and classified ad. For local and international travelers, a dedicated classified directory platform is a great asset to be saved in your mobile phone, – a global entertainment, hospitality, travel and tourism platform to find activities and fun things to do, place to travel, dining and nightlife, shopping places, tourist attractions, accommodations, and emergency services just in case. Want to find a job, OR to post a job ad to find talents for your business? Come and visit, a global jobs portal for job seekers, employers and recruiters. Job seekers Read more [...]
Your Health Hub
Hobart Medical Services Medical Specialists General Practitioners Nurse Practitioners Diabetes Educator Low Level Laser Therapy Clinics Mental Health Nurses Nurse Practitioner – Community Collaborative Service Nurse Practitioner Led Memory Clinic Nurse Practitioner Led Womens Health Clinic Nurse Practitioner Led Sexual Health Service Women’s Sexual Health Clinic Wound Care Clinic,Nurse Practitioners Diabetes Educator Low Level Laser Therapy Clinics Mental Health Nurses Nurse Practitioner – Community Collaborative Service Nurse Practitioner Led Memory Clinic Nurse Practitioner Led Womens Health Clinic Nurse Practitioner Led Sexual Health Service Women’s Sexual Health Clinic Wound Care Clinic,Allied Health Dietitian Exercise Physiology Osteopathy Physiotherapy,Pilates & Rehabilitation Clinical Pilates Rehabilitation Studio,Health & Fitness Studio Health & Fitness Class List Health & Fitness Studio Timetable Health & Fitness Studio Registration Booking: Personal Training Clinical Pilates Dancing with Dementia Dancing with Parkinson’s Falls and balance Program Move Well Live Well Seated Exercise for Older Adults Strength2Strength Program Tai Chi Yoga,Pregnancy & Post Natal Services Antenatal Osteopathy Pregnancy and Post Natal Services Yoga,Psychology Addiction Adult Psychology Child & Adolescent Psychology Services Corporate Psychology Services Parenting,Complimentary Therapies Acupuncture Remedial Massage Health and Wellness Coaching To discover more Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine near Bellerive Tasmania, you may easily find them here, – a Read more [...]