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ລາຍຊື່ທຸລະກິດປະກອບມີສະຖາບັນການສຶກສາ, ໂຮງຮຽນອະນຸບານ, ໂຮງຮຽນປະຖົມ, ໂຮງຮຽນມັດທະຍົມ, ການສຶກສາຊັ້ນສູງ, ມະຫາວິທະຍາໄລ, ໂຮງຮຽນເອກະຊົນ, ຄ່າຮຽນເອກະຊົນ, ຫ້ອງຮຽນຄວາມສົນໃຈ, ແລະອື່ນໆ.
  • Ultimate Drivers North York

    Welcome to Ultimate Drivers North York (ON). A Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Approved Driving School in North York. Our Driving School is always looking for new students to join our elite Beginner driver program. Do you have a teen or loved one that is considering driver education? Check out our driver training programs and fees above for more information. Sign up for Driving School today. We specialize in highway lessons, advance driving skills, nervous drivers and much more. We also offer driver improvement courses for anyone who has received a notice from the court. We also specialize in giving lessons to anyone who has been in a collision and would like to get better understanding on traffic safety issues. Driving Lessons North York

  • Crightney Immigration Toronto

    We are here to help you at every step of the immigration journey to Canada. Our immigration agency in Toronto can take care of all your immigration needs and requirements. Our student visa consultants in Toronto and Canada work permit agent in Toronto can help you out with your study visa or work visa. Other services that we provide are tourist visa, super visa, family sponsorship, business immigration, PNP, express entry, citizenship, and CEC. 

  • Neighbour Note

    Neighbor Note ສະເຫນີບົດຮຽນດົນຕີຊັ້ນນໍາຂອງ Toronto ຢູ່ເຮືອນຫຼືໃນສະຕູດິໂອ. Neighbor Note ສະເໜີຊັ້ນຮຽນ ແລະໂຄງການທີ່ຫຼາກຫຼາຍ ເຊັ່ນ: ບົດຮຽນກີຕ້າ ແລະ ບົດຮຽນເປຍໂນ, ແຕ່ລະອັນຖືກປັບແຕ່ງໃຫ້ເໝາະສົມກັບລະດັບທັກສະຂອງນັກຮຽນ ແລະ ຜົນໄດ້ຮັບທີ່ຕ້ອງການ. Neighbor Note ຈ້າງຄູສອນຊາວການາດາທີ່ມີການສຶກສາສູງ ແລະນັກດົນຕີ Rock Star, Grammy ແລະ Juno-nominated. ຮຽນ​ຮູ້​ວິ​ທີ​ການ​ຫຼິ້ນ​ເຄື່ອງ​ມື​ທີ່​ທ່ານ​ມັກ​ຢູ່​ເຮືອນ​ຫຼື​ໃນ​ສະ​ຕູ​ດິ​ໂອ​ມື​ອາ​ຊີບ​ກັບ Neighbor Note​, Toronto​. ຮັບບົດຮຽນກີຕ້າຄັ້ງທຳອິດ ຫຼືຮຽນ piano ຟຣີ!

  • Globe Driving Academy

    Globe Driving Academy is one of the best driving school in Toronto, Etobicoke and North York approved by the Ministry of Transportation as a Beginner Driver Education Course Provider. We are located in Downtown at 1219 St. Clair Ave W. Suite G1 (St. Clair Ave West & Dufferin intersection). Our Driving School organizes 4-day driving courses (for potential insurance discount) or 4-day online driving courses in-real time through our e-learning software. We also offer winter driving courses, senior advanced driver and improvement training. We can book G2, G road test for you or prepare you for your road test and deliver a car for the road exam in Drive Test Center in Toronto or out of the City. We offer a high-quality 4-day driving course, or 4-day online driving course and G2/G driving lessons (in-car lessons) at an affordable price using cars with an automatic transmission. If you successfully complete a BDE Course (Driving Course) in our Driving School in Toronto, you may be eligible for a potential insurance discount. driving school, driving school near me, driving lessons, driving instructors near me, driving instructor, driving centre, drivers training, driving lessons near me, driving classes near me, driving centre near me, ອ່ານເພີ່ມເຕີມ [... ]

  • Recording Connection Audio Institute

    The Recording Connection’s Music School is pleased to partner with real recording studios for our mentor-apprentice approach to audio education. Learn where hundreds of artists have recorded their music. Learn in one-on-one sessions with your mentor, a respected local audio engineer, music producer, or EDM producer inside a real recording studio. You’ll spend a minimum of ten hours a week externing in an established Toronto recording studio where you’ll gain real-world experience.

  • Listen & Learn Canada

    Listen & Learn is a language training company providing personalized one-to-one and closed group language courses for individuals and corporate clients alike. We offer a wide variety of language courses designed to fulfill the needs of every client. Our trainers are all fully qualified native speaking professionals who are hired not only for their qualifications, but also for their experience and passion for teaching. Lessons are structured around you; taking into consideration your current level and motivation, your individual needs (or that of your business), and any particular requirements you might have for learning the language. Listen & Learn Canada 439 University Ave, 5th Floor, Toronto, ON M5G 1Y8, Canada 1 877 566 9299 https://www.listenandlearnusa.com/lessons-in-toronto https://g.page/listen-and-learn-canada?share https://www.google.com/maps?cid=251685668672681044

  • Université de l’Ontario français

    The Université de l'Ontario français (ຫຍໍ້ເປັນ UOF; lit. 'University of French Ontario')[ຫມາຍເຫດ 1] ເປັນວິທະຍາໄລສາທາລະນະພາສາຝຣັ່ງໃນ Toronto, Ontario, ການາດາ. ມະຫາວິທະຍາໄລໄດ້ສະເໜີໃຫ້ XNUMX ຫຼັກສູດປະລິນຍາຕີລະດັບປະລິນຍາຕີໃນຂົງເຂດ transdisciplinary ດັ່ງຕໍ່ໄປນີ້: ປະຊາກອນຫຼາຍ, ວັດທະນະທໍາດິຈິຕອນ, ສະພາບແວດລ້ອມໃນຕົວເມືອງ, ແລະເສດຖະກິດ & ການປະດິດສ້າງສັງຄົມ. UOF ເປັນສະມາຊິກຂອງມະຫາວິທະຍາໄລການາດາແລະສະມາຄົມ francophone pour l'avancement des sciences (AFAS).

  • Corporate Class Inc.

    We have come a long way since Corporate Class Inc. was founded in 1984 and began leadership training in Toronto, and consulting within North America’s business, government and political sectors. Our portfolio of global clients has expanded dramatically. Today, we provide leadership training, coaching and consulting to clients around the world. From Europe to the Gulf Region and across the Americas – North, Central and South – we deliver customized services to clients at their headquarters, meetings, conferences and virtually.


ພວກເຮົາບໍ່ໄດ້ປະມານໃນປັດຈຸບັນ. ແຕ່ທ່ານສາມາດສົ່ງອີເມວພວກເຮົາແລະພວກເຮົາຈະກັບຄືນໄປຫາທ່ານ, asap.


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